Page name: Giffie-Pet Store [Logged in view] [RSS]
2016-02-13 21:47:18
Last author: tomsawyer8648
Owner: Bookwyrm
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Welcome, Elfpacker, to the Giffie-Pet store!
We have fuzzy-wuzzies and creepy-crawlies galore--
Pets that crawl and some that soar!
This is a special place filled with magic and lore,
All bets are off when you walk through our door!
So come on in and have a look around,
You can even adopt from our Giffie-Pet Pound.
Just keep in mind that you can only choose one!
Make your choice wisely and when you're all done,
You'll have a special friend to show off to everyone!

Custom Poetry by [Deg]! Thanks to her!



This is the place to get your very own Giffie-Pet. You need to choose carefully as you can only have one to begin with! Think about the name you want to give it as it can't be changed without a Name Change Token from the Tog Shop.

If you don't see any here that you like, you might want to check the Giffie-Pet Pound as well, or wait for the next batch of pets to come from the Normal Pet Storehouse.

When you have chosen the pet you want, edit this page using the 'ADV EDIT' button to add your username link (your username in the [] tags) below the pet you'd like to adopt. Don't forget to add the name you want to give it.

Do not edit anything else! If a pet isn't in stock, you can't request it. If you are unsure about editing the wiki, make your request in the comment box.



Himalayan Cat

Siamese Cat

Basset Hound

Cute Red Fox
1) [lulu dinobot] Todd.
2) [AdamTheChespin] Tommy.

Grey Rat

Leopard Gecko

Milk Snake

Green Parakeet




Round Hermit Crab

Monarch Butterfly
1)[Hollylocks] ChickenPie


Killer Rabbit



Please be sure you have read Owning a Giffie-Pet before asking how to do something! If you still need help join the forum at <joinforum:195:pets> (Giffie-Pet Chat and Question Area)

The Giffie-Pet Staff are willing to answer your questions in the comments or forum if you need to know something that isn't covered in the wiki.



Store Update!

We're back open for business! Enjoy.


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2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: ...GAH!!!!!!!!!! and I thought I had my sick mind cured!!

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: what? what were you thinking?!?!?! *holds up paper, glue, markers, some elbow macaroni, and scissors* i already made the outlines *points to the paper*

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: but the thing is these things take a while....about 9 months each to make.....

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: that was cruel and leading Jon! cruel and leading!!!

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: *Emerges from [phoenixborn]s stomach in an explosion of gore* Alright, I'm back. What'd I miss?

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: me and frost making babies.....

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: i gotta go install a fence, but at least i planted the seed.....

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Oh... Well then. *goes back in*

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: get bad outta that frost!!!! muhahahahaha

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: yay! GORE!!! (plays with gore)

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: wait... what about me now.???

2006-11-24 [phoenixborn]: Hey, that's my spleen, put that down!

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: *From inside his stomach* You know... It's not so bad in here. I could set up some drapes, maybe a chandalere.. Then I'd need to rig up a high speed modem.

And I just noticed that the number of comments as I was posting this was 6666.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: ...I dont wanna! I enjoy playing with your guts!

2006-11-24 [phoenixborn]: Hey, no chandaliers! Dey's spikey! O__O

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: I totally spelled it wrong. Then how about a candelabra of some kind? Or a fireplace?

2006-11-24 [phoenixborn]: And stop playing with me! I guts, obviously

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: ...just because you have a pretty face... (gives you your guts back, but continues to play with the blood on the floor)

2006-11-24 [phoenixborn]: Hey i need that too! Oh well, guess i'll just have to take some of yours *bares teeth*

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: (licks blood off of self)... go right ahead... (bares neck) or you can take if from my arm if you prefer (bares arm as well)

2006-11-24 [phoenixborn]: I'm thinking definitely the neck *bites*

2006-11-24 [Andy8178]: ewe

2006-11-24 [phoenixborn]: female sheep. And your point?

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: eww? how do you find it so? You've never seen a guy bite someone's neck or something? (pats David's head) enjoying yourself?

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *lays there stomped & shotted* im awake now....yyyaaaawwwwwwnnnnn....

2006-11-24 [phoenixborn]: Yesh *bites more*...*shoots enneigard again for fun*

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: hehehe... (plays with scimitar in hands)

(wonders if she shouldda warned David that she loves being bitten on her neck...)

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *lays there stomped & shotted x2*

2006-11-24 [phoenixborn]: Hmm, is that so.. well then, theres somethin in it for both of us ^__^ *bites*

And please, put the scimitar down.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: aww... go ahead and ruin my fun... (stabs scimi into the stomped and shotted enneigard for fun)

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: *emerges from [phoenixborn]s stomach again, this time through a door he installed* And I'm back.

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *lays there stabbed, stomped & shotted x2*

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: hehe... I love the little world we've created so far! we have a living dead guy on the floor, a guy who lives in another guy's stomach, giant things summoned by sticks... now, all we need is some nice furnature!

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Like a chesterfield. That flies!

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: FUCK YES!

2006-11-24 [phoenixborn]: We need a pool table

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: wow, once again i missed alot!

where do i get to live?

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: In the pool table. That has... Rockets... On it.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: (places hand over bite marks on neck and heals thems as if nothign ever happened)...

a pool table sounds nice... we should also get a nice big ass couch...

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: oh... Jon can live in my room! I'll live on the couch!

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: please dont drop that on me. *lays there stabbed, stomped & shottedx2*

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: We could paint the couch with flames. And put neon lights all over it. It'd be like the couch was tearing ass around the room... Only it'd be standing still.

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: i don't mind living on a couch with a girl......

oh and i'm opening the 2006 Elfpack Lotto, it's not on mainsuff yet.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: then if you wanna live on my couch... you can live on my couch... but it's MY couch... and no bofy owns me, so ha!

ooo... lotto...

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: that's ok, no one can ever own a girl......girls can own guys though.....

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: lol.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: really now??? (smirks)... I like that rule. I like it a lot! (goes under couch and finds big box of nice spiky collars)

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: don't forget the whip, leash and cuffs.....

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: hey Jon... what color do you think looks best on you?? (shifty eyes)

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: ...*plays dramatic music stabbed, stomped & shotted x2*

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Purple!

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: i would say black, but that is a shade.....dark red....dark green.....some shades of blue.....that's about it..

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: I'm not caring if black is a shade... I have every color/shade in this thing! ^^

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: thing? not sure what you are talking about

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: That was a good movie. The thing. That's what she's talking about. She has it in different colors.

2006-11-24 [phoenixborn]: You aint having the red one it's mine!

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: (huggles black box of stuff)

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: you want the red one David? (collars David with the red spikey collar)

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: still lost......but i choose black.

wow i justed scared myself, when i typed that i though "(insert name of weird yellow thing which will be left un-named), i choose you!"

2006-11-24 [phoenixborn]: oo ^__^ does it suit me? *poses*

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: (collars Jon with the black spikey one)... I think it looks quite good on you! ^^

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: i want the dark green one

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Put the spikes facing inwards. ^^

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: i used to wear a black spiked leather sheep collar. i loved it.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: hehehe... good idea! (collars enneigard with the dark green one, leaving the spikes inwards)... haha! spiked you are!

(remembers bad moment in life "AH! There's spikes up my ass!!")

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Oh yeah? Well I used to wear a... Not... A collar.

2006-11-24 [Enneigard Rebirth]: *lays there spiked, stabbed, stomped & shotted x2*

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: mine looked sorda like this


2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: I should get something like that. lol. Might be fun.

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: why?

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: Because I look scary enough already.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: heh... I USED to be owned... but that only lasted the few seconds before I took down the poor bastard...

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: With a shotgun?

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: his own dagger thingy... I'm not quite sure what it was... some small type of blade in some wierd dragon like design...

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: A mystical knife of shanking +3

2006-11-24 [RedMoon]: And I must be away! In to the night!

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: ^^ we're starting a D&D group at school again! And I'm one of four DMs!

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: (dies laughing) YES!!!

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: is another good one, has a vid with it too.

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: ...that video has just made my day...

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: you mean i didn't make your day?

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: no, you made my year...

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: how is that possible?

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: I'm not sure... (shrugs)...

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: just have? fair enough. now the question is, did i make your year in a good or bad way??

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: good way... how could you make my year in a bad way?? You're Jon!

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: there are alot of ppl. here that hate me just to let you know...and what does being jon have to do with anything?

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: ...because you're not hate-able!!

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: sure i should see some of the hate messages i get ^_^

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: awww... those fucktards! They're arses are mine!

(wonders what you've done to mood box thing...)

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: i end up banning them for the most part.

(and it's not your mood box anymore)

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: oh... in that case, my work here is done!

(so I see...)

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: gaa......i must go to work, back in 5 hours

2006-11-24 [Nytefox]: ok... have fun working while I sit on my ass!

2006-11-24 [Big Brother]: when i come back i want you to be waiting and with a gift for me!!!

bye ^_^

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: wll guess what... now I'm starting this page up again... so face my wrath people of the world!

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: *faces wrath* And? Doesn't seem all that special if you ask me

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: do have my welcome back gift?

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: who said I was specail... I sit around my house, eat like a horse, play video games, and still have the metabolism of a little kid... that aint specail...

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: and phone me? you phone me right? -_^

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: oh! I almost forgot the gift! (brings back the gift box and presents to Jon)

and I wouldda phoned you if I had a phone that worked and wasnt broken... I have a bad habit of breaking them up to figure out how they work...

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: i only do that to things i have more than one of.

*shakes the box a little, holds up to the light then continues to sniff it* sooo......what did you get me?

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: I usually find if you pull things apart to see how they work, they cease to do so.

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: Nuuuu Don't open it!

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: hehehe... open it and see while I go make the Jell-o

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: wait....why do you have to leave for me to open it?!?

*puts ear to the box*

does it explode in any possible way?

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: no... and I didnt leave you... I just need to make the Jell-o before ****** gets back so I can attack her with it!

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: *hides under desk*

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: Ooh yeah, Jon, you wanna join us in getting back at Traci for picking on us all the time?

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: picking on you? how does she pick on you??

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: She's a meanie! Admittedly, a cute loveable little meanie, but still a meanie.

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: how is she mean?

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: She smacked me round the head just for doing what she told me to do! And she calls me names.

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: so? i call you names too....

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: Shh, she's online, everybody be quiet *looks inocent*

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: and nobody messes with my pets! (pats David on the head)

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: oh... crap... everybody! hide the evidence!

2006-11-25 [Bookwyrm]: ::blinks and walks out:: Well, okay. I'll just work from here on out.

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: i can mess with any pet i want to! *looks evil*

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: quick! get her!

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: awww... but would you really mess with my pets?? (look of extreme sweet innocence)

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: *tackles Traci to the floor*

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: (attacks Traci with the freshly made, raw, unflavored jello)

2006-11-25 [Bookwyrm]: ::squirms away from David and continues to walk:: No no, I'm just working. Many pets to take care of.

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: *sits in the corner and opens the gift slowly*

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: Ah, wait 'til i get off her first, nitwit

2006-11-25 [Bookwyrm]: ::blinks at Arsenic::

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: Jon no! *dives back under table*

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: I wouldda thought you'd get some sort of protection on David!
(huge chester cat grin at Traci)

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: It's cheshire cat btw XD

2006-11-25 [Bookwyrm]: ::sits behind counter and reads a magazine::

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: And is table not protection?

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: *while everyone is not looking sneaks off to Frost's house to mess with her pet and quietly comes back looking innocent*

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: now I guess... (runs in kitchen and gets more chunky jello)

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: What did you do with her pet?!

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: pet? i don't know what you are talking about!

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: ...I dont think we wanna know what he was doing with my dear fox...

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: fox? you don't have a fox.......

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: You just stay out of my house *huggles kitty*

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: you don't have to tell me to stay's weird in there....

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: he turned my fox into a box! NOOOOOOO!!!! at least turn it into something useful!!

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: hmmmm.....

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: ok... maybe I shouldda just shut up right then...

wait... since when is his place wierd and mine isnt?? for crying out loud, I have the cult of My Cookie!

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: Exactly, you know what's in your house. I actually have no idea what's in mine...

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: Haha at some point i appear to have joined the cult of cookie, though i cannot recall when. Strange. Oh well *eats sacred cookie*

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: ...thank you Jon! ^^

oh... now that is wierd...

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: and yeah... that was a long time ago... I'll look up and tell you when...

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: my house has alot of mold and dust.....

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: Frost wouldn't talk to me back then.....i tried but got ignored and insulted..

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: Any cheese? Cheese in a house is always good.

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: what are you talking about??? I... I remember asking you for my fox... and you said nothing else to me after that!

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: then we talked about the con i was going to and you told me couldn't go but you would join me for the one next year ^_^

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: ...that was true... but I never insulted you! I'd die to go... I just need to find a way to sneak outta my house and across the boarder like a Mexican into the US...

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: never insulted me.....but you wanted to.

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: why would I ever??? I'd never insult anyone I would possibly own...

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: you know, if you own me you gotta take care of me....

*remembers the gift and opens it* WOW you got me a......what is it?

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: whatever you wanted that was in your mind before you left!... I just gift wrapped it before it could possibly scare me...

and I'd have no problem with taking care of you! No matter how much trouble you cause! (I bet you I've caused more trouble already than you will in your life)

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: wow! you got me you!! O.o wait...there is 2 of you?

and somehow i don't think you have caused more trouble......but that is something i can't talk about where it can be recorded or a copy of what i say can be made......

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: *is taking notes*

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: ...(kills the other clone)... now there's only one of me!

yeah... we'll just say I'm a lot more innocent and sweeter now than I was when i was a kiddie...

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: i'm not joking, there are alot of things done that my name was never put to, made the news once or twice too....just one of those 2 second things...

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: I'm... just happy that I did a favor for the right person to rid of my criminal record... (remembers the time the school was trying to go home from Canada and almost never made it)

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: anyways... how about them things...

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: i never got caught for anything......

and those things, they are very nice.

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: haha i got most of my criminal record before i was 16- when you turn 16 they wipe the slate clean XD


2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: ...I dont know what I was talking about... but I wonder what Jon was talking about...

(randomly notices boobs have recently gotten a lil bit bigger...)... wow...

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: wow, mine too!!

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: ...really?? I bet mine are bigger! XP

2006-11-25 [Bookwyrm]: ::looks up from magazine:: I've got you both beat.

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: (lands a nice handful of flying jello at Traci)... you probably do...

2006-11-25 [Bookwyrm]: ::blinks and ignores the jello::

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: *jiggles boobs* I think i beat even you Traci

2006-11-25 [Bookwyrm]: Oh please, David. ::pulls his prosthetic boobs off:: Nothing's worse than a liar. XD

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: Ah they aren't fake, stop pulling!

2006-11-25 [Bookwyrm]: But what am I holding in my hands then? o.O

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: Frost, Traci, it you guys think your are bigger than mine you gotta show me to prove it =P until then mine are the best!

2006-11-25 [phoenixborn]: you're holding My boobs. They're just extra-stretchy

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: ...I'd show you to prove it... I just dont have a camera anymore... my guy took it because he apperently took some pix of me with it and didnt want me to see them... (ish scared now)

2006-11-25 [Bookwyrm]: Jon I don't do that anymore. I don't have to prove myself to anyone. :) should go see someone about that...Mine are just extra...nevermind I changed my mind about that statement.

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: can we stop groping my great pet here... I find this sorta wrong in a long round-about way...

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: you can't blame me for trying ^_^

2006-11-25 [Bookwyrm]: ::goes back to reading magazine::

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: now what??

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: uh oh... Jon in whisky... this cant be too good...

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: why not? i know how to drink quite well.

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: because you arnt sharing any of it with me...

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: come on over, and as long as i don't mix it with my Toradol - Ketorolac Tromethamine i'll be good ^_^ i'm on my other drugs right now.

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: my drugs dont work on me anymore... they've given up on trying to find the right dosage for me...

(tries to find a way to sneak over the Canadian boarder without being caught)

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: i have migraines and most pain killers don't work even if i take x3 the daily dose every 2 hours......but Toradol helps take the edge off..

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: how about that new Wii that's out...

(tries to sneak out when no one is looking)

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: it's all bout the PS series ^_^ but the wii does look good.

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: the PS3 is basically a $2000 computer sold for $500... we ran osx on it last friday when it released here in enigeering class...

I'm a gamer... and I grew up on Nintendo... so the Wii has won my heart... but Nintendo has been my true love since forever...

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: ya, i'm a computer engineer, i know all bout the PS3, i mostly want it for the blue-ray!

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: hehe... that's what I wanna do! I wanna be a computer engineer! but alas, I know little to nothing about computers other than the obvious...

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: i be a haxor! ^_^ and been making computers for years. you should see the one i have right now.....very pretty.

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: damnit... all my friends are cool like that... I want to be cool like that! (cries)

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: i can teach you, all you gotta do is come over =P

i speak 7 different languages ^_^ english, java, C, C+, binary, hex, machine code (for raw programming of robotics) if you wanna get technical C and C+ are just about the 6 languages.

2006-11-25 [Nytefox]: ...damnit... I do need to sneak over there... where are my Canadian friends when I need them to sneak me into their country?!?

2006-11-25 [Big Brother]: it's not hard, just have a photo ID and your birth certificate. it's all you need i believe... it's all i had when i went to new york.

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